
Brackley Women's Institute and Girl Guide (WIGG) Hall has been active since 1928.

Located on Manor Road (opposite Waitrose), Brackley WIGG Hall is a bookable venue for use by the general public. It aims to boost the community activities and groups offered to the people of Brackley.

About us

Brackley WI started in 1918, originally in Wesleyan School Room on the site of 8 and 8A Hill Street. As their meetings proved to be a success, it was decided to start fundraising for their own hall. When Girl Guides joined Brackley in 1924, they also needed a hall so they joined forces with the WI. We know that the Girl Guides raised £100 and it is thought that the WI raised a sum also in the £100s.

After 10 years, Miss Cartwright (then WI president) laid the foundation stone. Once built, a legal document was drawn up entrusting the hall to a committee of trustees.

The trustees are volunteers who are keen to ensure that the hall is well maintained and stays relevant to the 21st century.

In 2005, the hall underwent major renovation which included installation of modern insulation compared to previous single brick built structure, disabled access and improved toilet facilities, and a fully fitted kitchen.

As we approach 100 years of service to the community, the hall has survived a world war and a global pandemic!

We are keen to ensure that the hall is a feature of Brackley for the next 100 years!